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I am Reese. Iskolar ng bayan. tard. weirdo. impulsive shopper. cheesecake hogger. magazine collector. actress. frustrated singer. potential alcoholic. soon to be diabetic amputee. "i wish i can kill the sexiest person alive. BUT then, that'd be SUICIDE!"

Calling ALL BRATS!


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    Image Copyright: Rion Vernon

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    Saturday, October 22, 2005


    I can't believe how I was sooo looking forward to a whole month of doing nothing, and now that I'm living that friggin' dream, I hate it. And now I'm starting to think that (GASP!!!) EVEN school was better than this.

    Yes, I sound like a nerd.


    I cancelled my "date" for tonight because I promised my cousin that I'd be at her party. But, fuck it... I've been hit by the disease, "tamad-itis," and I'm just tooo tooo lazy to drag my ass anywhere but here. I'm starting to annoy myself, but really, my energy just flew out the window. I spend my days reading, watching telly, eating, sleeping, eating, playing SuperMario, eating, working out, and eating again.

    I hate not having anything to do... and the people I was supposed to chill with this sem break are still stuck with school, or they have some fucked up sched that I can't live with.


    I'm too lazy to blog some more. Must go back to reading Harry potter.

    Posted by peanutbuttercups @ 4:31 PM |


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